A great day recording (and eating!) on BBC Radio’s Nick Coffer’s Weekend Kitchen show with Hannah Miles and Margaret Knox. Listen to a snippet if you want.
If you have trouble listening to the above click here instead to listen to a snippet of the show.
I’ve been on the Weekend Kitchen show quite a few times now and I have to admit – it is always a ton of fun. But I always stumble on the criteria:
– make food, share food, eat food.
OK I can do that.
– talk about food, have a laugh.
Done, I’ve built a career based on those two principles.
– No innuendo’s, swearing, or smut.
Damnit! I always get edited out…I mean it, there is at least 15 minutes of me in each recording edited out!
This show was no exception; the brilliant Hannah Miles made quite possibly one of the best desserts I’ve tasted (except yours Mum!) and showcased some quite amazing microwave desserts made in a mug from her new book (and yes, I still got loads of me edited out!).
Margaret dished out some lovely desserts which were great and as Nick knows that I always moan when I have to do a dessert he let me get away with a few savoury dishes; including Chilli Salmon Salad, Lamb Skewers in marinade (which will be featured in my new TV series) and a delicious grilled mackeral with courgette ribbons.
You can download all the recipes here from BBC iPlayer.