Twice cooked chips with rosemary salt? Why not thrice cooked chips? Well, twice is enough I reckon, especially when you’re cooking at home.
There is something very satisfying about a large bowl of chunky chips, especially with a dusting of rosemary salt, I always serve these with my slow cooked pork ribs.
Twice cooked chips that are big, super crispy and with the most fluffiest of centres with a light dusting of rosemary salt.. Lets not pretend these are fancy chips; they are just damn tasty!
The secret behind my bad boy chunky chips is the potato – use baking potatoes they come out big and awesome! The cool thing is you can make these chips in advance and re-fry them just before serving.
I also like to serve mine with rosemary salt, it’s not difficult to make but a little nicer than just chopped rosemary thrown over the top. Rosemary is a beautiful herb but can be very bitter when eaten raw, as such, I add a touch of sugar to my rosemary salt recipe to offset the bitterness a little.
Twice Cooked Chips with Rosemary Salt
twice cooked chips recipe with rosemary salt dusting

- Rosemary Salt Recipe:
- Tablespoon sea salt
- Pinch sugar
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary - finely chopped
- Twice cooked chips (Serves 2)
- 3 large baking potatoes
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
- Step 1 Rosemary Salt:
- Step 2 Mix the sugar, salt and rosemary together (rub the rosemary in between your fingers to release it’s oils before mixing).
- Step 3 Twice Cooked Chips:
- Step 4 Cut the potatoes lengthways into thick chip sizes, cut the ends to give a nice square finish.
- Step 5 Boil the chips in salted boiling water for about 8 minutes or until you can slide a knife into them with just a little resistance, drain and let steam dry.
- Step 6 Once dry, gently fry the chips on a medium/low heat for about 10 minutes or until they just start to change colour.
- Step 7 Tip: don’t move the chip when you first put them in as they will stick, leave it for five minutes.
- Step 8 Remove with a slotted spoon onto a kitchen towel and let drain for a few minutes.
- Step 9 Just before you are ready to serve put the chips back in the hot oil for a second time.
- Step 10 Fry for just a few minutes until they have turned a nice golden colour then remove and place on paper towel to drain.
- Step 11 Immediately add your rosemary salt and shake to coat.
- Step 12 You want to do this while they still have a little oil on them otherwise the salt will just fall off.
And you’re done, put the twice cooked chips into a serving dish and try not to burn your mouth by eating them immediately!
Goes well with some ribs to get messy with! Or just a decent dollop of ketchup!