Some of you may have heard that I was lucky enough to sign with a publisher to write my first cookbook, a microwave meals cookbook no less!
Well, I’ve spent the last 6 months developing new microwave recipes for my book and I finally finished. But that’s not the reason I’ve been so excited today… today the photo shoot starts!

Today is Day 1 of my microwave recipes photo shoot – and how cool it is to watch all these recipes I’ve spent months creating and cooking suddenly get to walk down the catwalk and have their picture taken by a professional!
William Shaw is an incredible photographer, but his food shots are out of this world and I was torn between being uber excited by how great his shots were and utterly depressed at how bad I suddenly realised my own food shots are.. a bitter sweet moment if you like 🙂
Emma Frost the food stylist was equally incredible; she has this ability to effortlessly re-create a recipe and not only make it look beautiful but instantly know how to dress it and what context it needs to be shot in. All seemingly without any effort as she glides around the studio – how does she do that?
If she could do to me what she does with food I’d be a bloody good looking bloke!
But alas, I’m stuck with asking my 6 year old daughter ‘does this cardigan go with this jacket’? ‘Errr no Dad, only girls wear cardigans’. I literally have no hope.
Then there is the publisher herself; the mastermind behind the whole project whom has guided the project from the start and has been a total pleasure to work with.
I’ve been totally blown away today by how good the pictures are; they are beautiful and I couldn’t be prouder. Genuinely, I’m really chuffed at how beautiful I know this book will be.
So what is my first cookbook about?
My publisher wanted me to write a microwave mug recipe cookbook – yes, that’s right; a cookbook dedicated to microwave mug meals; with tons of delicious, healthy, homemade microwave recipes…and I’ve been amazed.
After spending the last 6 months developing and perfecting my microwave recipes I’m amazed at not only what you can actually create (seriously, you’d be amazed) but also how healthy most of the microwave recipes are (obviously the desserts are a little indulgent!).

Anyway, I’m totally converted. Homemade microwave meals are damn good.
This microwave cook book is very specific in what it does; it’s about feeding one or two people, quick, delicious and healthy food done in one mug.
It’s brilliant! Every household should have this book.
As a parent there are microwave recipes that have become invaluable in feeding kids fast but not compromising on health or using fresh ingredients – think healthy, fresh microwave meals.
Equally, as a busy person, as a working professional, it is great to come home and within 6 minutes have a fresh, hot, tasty meal.
Microwave meals are back! My microwave mug meals book will be available to buy in high street book shops later this year (later summer 2016).
Subscribe now to be notified of when you can buy a copy and just let me know if you want a signed copy!
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The photoshoot is taking a couple of weeks so stay tuned as I might hopefully get a few more sneaky behind the scenes shots that I can post!