The phone call starts like this:
‘Is that Theo Michaels? I hear you’re a pretty good cook with awesome hair. Do you want to do a cooking demo at the Hertford Food Festival?’
‘Does that mean I get to go on stage, cook, eat and tell bad jokes and most people won’t leave?’
‘I’m in!’
Needless to say, the jokes were bad but the food compensated! I cooked a delicious Greek dish and even managed to grab a volunteer from the audience to get her hands dirty (thank you Charlotte!). Food went down a treat and the audience were great getting really involved in the demo with lots of questions and a growing crowd as the demo went on.
After the demo we had a Michaels’ family day out – Hertford is a very attractive, quaint English village – well worth a visit if you haven’t been (Hertford used to be an old stomping ground for me and my mates as a kid – it was the only place loacally that had a pub that served under-aged kids… but before there is a stampede of kids heading to Hertford on a Friday night – things have changed and that was 21 years ago – sorry kids!).
It’s got a great food scene with loads of independent eateries and coffee shops and you can spend a couple of hours winding your way around the little side streets and then have a walk through the park after lunch.
Oh and here is Charlotte – my very own Debbie Magee volunteer (I’ve just reaslised anyone under 35 will have no idea to who Debbie Magee is!).

And another thank you to the guys at Honestly Good for letting me indulge my tastebuds in using their freshly pressed olive oil – it just adds so much to any dish!