Category: usa

Mojave Desert Fever – how not to die by two stupid backpackers..

Mojave Desert Fever – how not to die by two stupid backpackers..

Mojave Desert. Just take that in for a moment; the Mojave Desert. Here is a quick life lesson for everyone reading – never, ever, ever, drive into the Mojave desert (or any desert for that matter) without taking note of the way back, in fact…

Philly Cheese Steaks in South Street then hitting the New Jersey Attractions

Philly Cheese Steaks in South Street then hitting the New Jersey Attractions

Philly Cheese Steaks are the work of Gods and if you’re travelling through the states it’s worth stopping in Philly just to sample an authentic Philly Cheese Steak. But while we’re at it, here’s what we also got up to in one of many New…

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